Phriday Photo of the Week

Phriday Photo of the week will be a summer pheature where I’ll offer an image taken with my phantastical camera phone. The photos will range from phunny to thoughtphul with a sprinkle of phoolishness. I’ll provide the image, you provide the caption in order to keep that mind thinkin’ critically while you’re away from the college.

[Wow, I have no idea what happened to the photo between the time I created the post and the time it was published. Oh well, for those of you who missed it, here it is.]

4th o’ July fireworks. Wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be to capture. I won’t tell you how many tries it took. Just know that a got bit by a few mosquitoes to bring this image to life. Enjoy!

If y’all have a photo you’d like to share, send it to I’ll post anonymously or otherwise; you tell me, and I’ll do it.

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