Apache OpenOffice

Please consider making your students aware of this software.  It is reliable and compatible with Microsoft Office.  And it’s free.

Cloud computing is terrific but some students may have older computers or a dial-up connection.  Already several of 12Keystrokes’ students are using OpenOffice


(From their website):

Why Apache OpenOffice: Great Software

Great Software requires great people. Apache OpenOffice is the result of over twenty years’ continuous high quality software engineering. Designed from the start as a single piece of software, Apache OpenOffice has a consistency and a quality that is world class. Its open-source development model means there are no secrets.

  • Better by design

Developed over twenty years, Apache OpenOffice is a mature, reliable, product. OpenOffice was designed from the start as a single piece of software – not bolted together from separate software packages. This makes it very consistent and easy to use – what you learn in one application is immediately usable in another. The context-sensitive help works across all applications, unobtrusively providing the precise help you need. You can even open any type of document from any application – OpenOffice is really one piece of software. It also runs on all major computing platforms – Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, Sun Solaris, Apple Mac – isn’t that great!

  • Better for you

Apache OpenOffice contains all the office software you need, in one single package. You don’t have to worry which version to install: one installation program provides everything. The installation also includes features which some expensive rivals do not – for example, the ability to create .pdf files when you want to guarantee what the recipient sees on their computer. There is also a growing range of extensions: additional features that any developer can provide. The Apache OpenOffice project releases software several times a year so you can take advantage of new features as quickly as possible.

  • Honest software

Apache OpenOffice is developed using an open-software, “no secrets” approach. Anyone can look at the programs and suggest improvements, or fix bugs. Anyone can report problems or request enhancements, and anyone can see the response from other users or developers. The status of current and future releases is displayed on a public wiki, so you can decide if and when you want to upgrade to take advantage of new features. Anyone used to commercial software and its hyping and marketing speak will find Apache OpenOffice refreshingly different. Enjoy the benefits of open-source!


*12Keystrokes has always elected to identify.  Suite 711.  This side.  T and TH evenings after 7:00.  

4 thoughts on “Apache OpenOffice

    • A busy start to this semester means 12Keystrokes had been unable to devote time to blogging. Only this afternoon, 12Keystrokes discovered that a singular problem persists on the Lounge.

      PhiloDave’s second, recent invitation to write for the Lounge stated that 12Keystrokes must use a real name or “identify.”

      Identity is no mystery: providing office location and office hours should have been enough. There are plenty of referents. This spring 12Keystrokes identified to several people who, in turn, spread the word. Apparently, that word hasn’t circulated through HWC – as a kind of proof, you understand – which suggests that 12Keystrokes’ and PhiloDave’s social circles don’t quite overlap.

      That might create trust issues (for some), but whatever can be meant by “to identify”?

      Of course, if the Lounge is a personal blog like a Facebook page with “friend” options, then PhiloDave may be as capricious – and as unapologetic about “friending” – as he likes. No display rhetoric required. However, a disclaimer to that effect should appear on the homepage to alert visitors as to the identity of the Lounge. (Ex: Is it a college blog/a public image of the college?) But if it isn’t a personal blog, then PhiloDave has some explaining to do re: revoking his recent invitation.

      12Keystrokes accepted PhiloDave’s initial invitation in order to address this inchoate blog policy/identity and the (continuing) problems it engendered. Most recently, clarifying exactly what passes in his head for “to identify” and then asking 12Keystrokes to meet that criteria is the appropriate and logical course of action PhiloDave chose not to demonstrate. Not doing so is more than must caprice. It’s intellectually dishonest.

      Correct that mistake.

      Goodness, professors: provide a simple rubric re: basic “who’s who?” issues. Offer criteria that is measurable. Make that rubric public.

      12Keystrokes would like to get back to blogging.

      • I’m not particularly convinced that even if you provided your name that anyone would really want you to continue blogging in this forum. I have not doubt that you rebel in your martyrdom, but for goodness sake, no one is interested in your riddles, incoherent arguments, or campaign against Realist.

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