Save the Date

Ellen Goldberg has a plan:

Monday, September 19, 2011 will be the first of many Magical Morale Mondays! πŸ™‚

Whoever wants to come to Caffe Cafe (Wacker and State) at 2 p.m. is invited that day to bond with their colleagues.

Whether it’s one person (Just me!) or one million, everyone is invited! πŸ™‚

I am extending the invitation to everybody! πŸ™‚

It’s the Monday after State of the College so it will be good to debrief!

Let’s take over the restaurant! See you all there!


No need to RSVP–put it on your calendar and commit to 20 minutes (surely you have 20 minutes!) toΒ  mingle a little with some colleagues from across the college. You’ll feel better. Great idea, Ellen!

Anybody Have Anything You Want To Say or Talk About?

I see you all peeking in, seeing if the show has started, yet…I see you, and I wave hello back (wave, wave).

Please consider this a warm-up, all purpose, transition-back-to-work-mode-(if-you-were-ever-able-to-transition-out-of-work-mode), good, ol’ fashioned open thread. Chat amongst yourselves.

Regular features and posts return starting on Sunday. See you then.

(PS: Matty U., I’ve got a pound of cheddar that likes the Packers, even without the three points. Just sayin’.)


What Up?

What are you doing over this long, Labor Day weekend?

Going to see Ramsey Lewis at Jazz Fest? Cooking some lingering summer produce up for a Labor Day BBQ? Maybe hitting Maxwell Street for some deals on back to school socks? Going to rock at the North Coast Music Festival in Union Park (De La Soul, Lupe Fiasco, Moby, the Dirty Dozen Brass Band…the list goes on)? Headed to the Red Moon’sΒ  J.O.E.?

What’s going on out there?