What Up?

Fire up the grill and white belts and shoes–it’s the last weekend of summer people…what are you doing?

Headed to the Fringe Festival? Maybe the North Coast Festival (maybe to see some FatBoySlim? (he’s headlining Saturday night; so is Common)) Or will it be Jazz Fest? Or India Arie (or Mary Mary or Bootsy Collins!) at the African Festival of the Arts? Camping in the north woods? Something altogether different like Harvest Chicago Contemporary Dance Festival?

What Up?

HW Social Chair, Jen Armendarez is encouraging all the right sorts of socializing over at the Emerald this afternoon/early evening–all are welcome. I’ll be in the woods gobbling and yelping at the squirrels and drowning some worms in between grading finals, but I know there’s a lot going on besides grading–great movies, great music, and it’s craft beer week!

What will you be doing?

TKP – Lounge-iversary Edition

So, one year later…

What are your thoughts regarding The Lounge? Is it workin’ for ya?
Is there anything you’d change? Anything you’d leave the same?

Update: As you can see, after that interview with PhiloDave, I fell asleep on the El as if it were a blizzard-bound bus on Lake Shore Drive. My apologies. Y’all saw this post get created, sos you’ve had a chance to ponder the questions. If I know PhiloDave the teacher, he takes assessment very seriously. Give him some feedback.

Roses are red, violets are blue
If you’ve got a thought
Let’s hear it from you

(I can’t believe there were no takers on that poem earlier this week. Oh, well…)

What Up?

It’s Thursday afternoon, which means that week 4 is drawing to a close, and we are (nearly) halfway to the halfway point of the semester.

Anybody going to see Morris Dees, co founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, out at Elmhurst College? Or maybe going to Garfield Park Conservatory for Sweet Saturday (I went last week–it was great, especially for kids; lots of activities)? Or maybe getting in the mood for Valentine’s Day with a trip to the theater?

What’s going on out there?

What Up?

It’s Thursday, people, which means I want to know what you are doing this weekend so I might steal an idea or two…

Marta will be watching Barcelona try to break their own clubs “unbeaten record” from 1973-74, we already know that, but what about everyone else?

What Up?

Plenty of awesome options this weekend…to wit: The Chicago Bluegrass & Blues Festival.

Want another option? How about a local appearance by a FEEEEEEE-nominal (that means “Don’t Miss Them” singing group, Sweet Honey in the Rock (Saturday night at Dominican University and Sunday night at Christ Universal Temple on the South Side).

Busy this weekend, but looking to kill some time next week? No problem. Check out The Black Playwright’s Festival hosted by Jackie Taylor’s Black Ensemble Theater.

And if you can’t do any of that, for mercy’s sake, tell us what you are doing that’s so doggone important and great so we can do it, too!